The Art Of Loving Book Summary

The art of loving erich fromm wrote in the art of loving 1956 love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence fromm was referring to a built in problem that comes from being conscious of our existence hence also aware of our apartness from others and our impending death.
The art of loving book summary. Or is love a pleasant sensation which to experience is a matter of chance something one falls into if one is lucky. The deepest need of man is to overcome the separateness. Is love an art. The awareness of human separation without reunion by love is the source of anxiety shame and guilt.
In the act of loving of giving myself in the act of penetrating the other person i find myself i discover myself i discover us both i discover man. This little book is based on the former premise while undoubtedly the majority of people today believe. Resembling the kama sutra ovid s compilation the art of love was written in three volumes. The art of loving erich fromm the art of loving is a 1956 book by psychoanalyst and social philosopher erich fromm which was published as part of the world perspectives series edited by ruth nanda anshen.
The poet narrator says that art of love is a set of entertaining and lighthearted instructions for successfully undertaking the game of love. In this work fromm develops his perspective on human nature from his earlier works escape from freedom and man for himself principles which he revisits in many of his other major works. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. Its aim is to present short books written by the most conscious and responsible minds of today.
The art of loving is not an individual book within the enormous intellectual legacy that erich fromm left us. Then it requires knowledge and effort. I previously have written a number of columns on love but i have not mentioned a small book i read in my early twenties and the first book i ever gave to my wife erich fromm s the art of loving. Any theory of love must begin with a theory of man of human existence.
Love the answer to the problem of human existence. The art of love summary. These notes were contributed by members of the gradesaver community. In the latter fromm had already addressed different aspects of human nature and because of this felt the need to delve into the fascinating area of love so basic and essential for every human being.
Each volume represents the thought and belief of each author and sets forth the interrelation of the changing religious scientific artistic political economic and social influences upon man s total experience. Love is active penetration of the other person in which my desire to know is stilled by union. In this work fromm develops his perspective on human nature from his earlier work escape from freedom and man for himself principles which he revisits in many of his other major works. Book summary of the art of loving chapter 2 part 1 1 1.